Options Menu. F1 key.

 If you're having some problems with the controls, or just want to mute the sound, I've got the extra options covered. Lets get started.

By pressing F1 on your keyboard you'll have a menu pop up.

There are a number of helpful options.

Launch in Full screen: will allow you to play in Full screen mode on the resolution of the game title

Reduce screen flickering: Will resolve issues if the screen is flickering (unsure as to how this works)

Play BGM and ME: Play the music.

Play BGS and SE. Play Background sounds                                                              (birds and effects including sound effects.)

Setting up your game pad.

It's an easy task to change the buttons over to something more comfortable.

I will update the game pad controls very shortly.

Setting up your keyboard.

The keyboard is much easier to configure also. 

Now your controls are hopefully in order. Let's move on to the next tutorial.


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