The new stuff for V.8 Chapter 1

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Here are just a few of the new changes I have developed in to Heavens Heroes. Thanks again for playing. Please support the project if you can. 

The new changes include: Battle avoidance. Hold B when an enemy attacks on the map to avoid a battle, or just let the battle happen. New Battle music I made will get you in the mood!


Gathering 2.0: Gathering system enhanced. New: At random you will be able to pick up double the items! This system works on maps where you can gather, and you can carry your bonus over to a different map through sophisticated scripting so you don't lose your bonus when heading in to town,

New animations, sounds, music and FX. I've really poured my love of EDM and atmospheric music in to making a unique sound for the game. I hope the music will really be enjoyed as I have tried to make the music as EDM festival like as possible. Prepare to get a new high off sounds!

More creatures! Check out the baby slimes! They roam around and pick up odd bits they find and play around. You'll find they don't battle, but they do tend to get scared or curious when you're near by.
There are plenty of surprise events that make the world more immersive to explore.

There are many original systems in Heavens Heroes, I certainly promise nothing was stolen or lifted from another RPG Maker game. The scripts I used are plain to see, and the graphics, much of the picture art, tile-set tweaks, and characters were made using generators or purchased and edited. Music is mostly original work, but I have done my best to replace RTP music for my own work.

I'll be make tutorials at some point and giving some of my systems away in future, but my main focus is completing the game and getting myself better. Thanks again.


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