Fishing: The Mechanics

 Fishing is a great skill to learn. Once you know it, it's like riding a bike.

Firstly, check out this video which shows the basic mechanics to fishing.

Fishing seems difficult, but as you learn to hold the buttons at the right time, you'll then have a much easier time. 

Your fish will show up on screen.

There are a variety of different fish.

On this main screen, the fish is deciding whether to go for your bait.

It can be short, or long, it depends on the mood of the fish.

By holding escape you can end fishing at any time to exit or try for a different fish

The C button is the Enter key on your keyboard.

At any moment, the fish will dart for your bait. Hold C when this happens.

If you do it before, you'll lose the bait.

The B button is the X key on your keyboard.

You will in a flash need to hold this button. 

This makes it so you hold your fish from taking your line. If you do this too slowly you'll lose your bait.

Lastly, Hold C when prompted.
The fish will be yours, again, if you're too slow then you'll lose your catch.

The buttons are simple, Hold Enter, Hold X, Hold Enter. You'll have the mechanic down. And get to earning money quicker through selling fish. Some fish can be cooked also for healing your team together. 

As you fish you'll also gain Experience, and the more exp you earn the higher your rank at fishing. This can meen you'll recieve lower prices for fishing bait and more fishing spots appearing.

Found in Naiyoko Village, at the beach, there is a fishing Vendor. Fishing Vendors sell bait. Once you reach enough experience by fishing they will upgrade your badge. This will also mean lower prices on bait.

So that is fishing, but wait, that isn't the only way to make some money. Gathering is our next tutorial. Let's find out more:


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